In addition to data resources such as the Fact Book, Temple at a Glance and Common Data Set, the Institutional Research and Assessment unit provides interactive longitudinal dashboards depicting data ranging from the undergraduate admissions funnel to graduation and retention rates.
University Enrollment
University Enrollment
Provides comparative student headcount data by key categorical groupings including, degree program level, time status, residency, class level, gender and race/ethnicity.
Undergraduate Admissions Funnel
Undergraduate Admissions Funnel
Provides comparative undergraduate admissions funnel metrics for first year and transfer applications.
Degrees Awarded
Degrees Awarded
Provides the number of degrees awarded by academic year, degree type and school/college.
Retention and Graduation Rates
Retention and Graduation Rates
Provides longitudinal retention and graduation rates for each incoming first-time fall cohort. This interactive dashboard provides data exploration by specific demographic and categorical subsets of the cohorts such as residency, gender, and race/ethnicity.