Each semester, Temple students provide feedback on course materials and instruction using Student Feedback Forms (SFFs). Temple first implemented a university-wide system for evaluating courses in 2002, and has enhanced the form and systems periodically including in 2012 when administration moved from paper forms to online. In fall 2020, the university implemented a new form and system, developed by the joint faculty and staff Assessment of Instruction Committee (AIC), the Office of Institutional Research & Assessment, and Information Technology Services (ITS).


Links & Resources

The new SFF system is intuitive and easy to use, and the resources below have been developed to guide users through the new features, including a short instructional video demonstrating how instructors add items to their SFF. These resources are also available in the SFF Admin Panel under the Resources tab.

New SFF system (the system is also accessed in TUPortal under TUapplications: SFF Form Creator and Reports): sff.temple.edu/admin

New link for students to complete their SFFs: sff.temple.edu

Instructional Video: Adding Items to Your SFF

Quick Guide to Add Items to a Course

Complete New SFF Guide for Instructors

List of SFF Bank Items (Last updated: January 2021)      

Recommendations for Suggesting New Items for the SFF Item Bank

Sample SFF - University Wide Items Only


The new SFF systems allows for faster delivery of SFF instructor reports; instructor reports are posted as soon as the grading deadline has passed. Instructors access reports via the Reports tab in the new SFF Admin Panel. SFF reports for Summer 2020 and prior can be accessed through the old report system at titan.temple.edu/cateresults/

The reports include percentages and means for each item, comparative data, and open-ended student comments. Data for instructor added items is made available only to instructors.

Instructors use the SFF reports to improve their teaching and course materials. Student feedback also helps instructors and administration make merit, tenure and promotion decisions, as well as other important decisions about how courses are taught at Temple.

Download a New Sample Instructor SFF report


Please email us at sff@temple.edu.