Campus plans for gathering evidence of student learning might include institution-wide or program specific approaches that convey how student learning will be assessed, the data collection tools and approaches that will be used, and the timeline for implementation.

Annual Assessment Reporting

Assessment is a critical component of the teaching and learning process. To demonstrate that Temple is fully compliant with Middle States standards on assessing student learning and evaluating educational offerings, we document our student learning assessment processes and outcomes through annual assessment reporting.

Academic Programs

At Temple, each academic program completes an assessment report each year that includes:

  • An updated list of student learning outcomes (SLOs)
  • A summary of completed assessments
  • A summary of assessment results and how assessment results were shared
  • A summary of how information is being used for continuous improvement
  • Planned assessment activities for the current academic year

Program Faculty and Assessment Committee Members complete their assessment reports online through SLAM, Temple's Student Learning Assessment Management system.

Access the Student Learning Assessment Management System (SLAM) »

Faculty Members: Walk-through of SLAM

Assessment Committee Members: Walk-through of SLAM

Academic Program Sample Assessment Reports

Click on the programs below to view assessment report examples.

Administrative and Support Units

Temple's Administrative and Support Areas also complete an annual assessment report. This assessment report is similar to the academic program assessment report and is completed through the University Assessment System (UAS). The annual assessment report for Administrative and Support Area includes:

  • A mission statement and updated list of program outcomes
  • A summary of completed assessments
  • A summary of assessment results and how assessment results were shared
  • A summary of how information is being used for continuous improvement
  • A summary of changes made based on trends/strategic plans and plans to assess the effectiveness of the change
  • Planned assessment activities for the current academic year

Access the University Assessment System (UAS)

View the Quick Start Guide for Primary Assessment Contacts (PACs) »

View the Quick Start Guide for Assessment Committee Members (ACMs) »

Click on the programs below to view assessment report examples.